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1. 姓名:李践尧 性别: 学历及学位:博士

2. 所在单位及职称


3. 受教育经历

2005.03 - 2008.08 澳大利亚The University of Western Australia市场营销博士

1998.09 - 2000.11 美国Johnson & Wales University, 工商管理硕士

1994.09 1998.06 英国Bournemouth University, 文学学士

4. 工作经历

2021.08  至今 广州新华学院(原中山大学新华学院)管理学院,教授

2018.10 - 2021.07 四川旅游学院希尔顿酒店管理学院, 教授,院长助理

2017.08 - 2018.09 广州缤禧酒店管理有限公司(西双版纳遇见版纳度假酒店),总经理

2016.02 - 2017.07 马来西亚成功大学学院酒店与旅游学院,副教授,院长

2009.09 - 2016.06 中山大学管理学院,助理教授

2010.10 - 2011.01 美国俄克拉荷马州立大学,访问学者

2009.09 - 2011.11 中山大学管理学院,博士后研究员

2006.09 - 2008.06 西澳大利亚大学商学院,讲师








1. 中华传统饮食文化对国家形象构建中文化维度的影响–基于川菜国际化背景下的实证   

2. 新冠肺炎疫情影响下基于用户画像的高星级酒店餐饮经营问题及策略实证研究,第三

3. 《餐饮服务组织概论》课程双语教学改革,主持项目,批准编号:ZL20200044,四川旅





1. Liu, J. Y. and Li. J. (2012). Internationalization of Tourism & Hospitality Higher Education in China: Sino-American Dual Degree Program in Tourism Management at Sun Yat-sen University. in The Comparative Study of International Hospitality & Tourism Education, edited by Li Li and Haiyan Song, South China University of Technology Press, China

2. Li, J. (2009). Branding Offshore Programs In China: Implications for Global Educators, VDM Verlag, Saarbrucken, Germany

3. Liu, F., Cheng, H., and Li. J. (2009). Global Values versus a Confucian Value on Chinese Consumers’ Responses to Sex Appeal Ads. in Handbook of Confucian Marketing, edited by Kim Fam, Asia Business Research Centre, Wellington, New Zealand

4. Liu, F., Li, X., Bao, G., Yun, C. and Li, J. (2006). Regional Disparity and Market Development in Economics Growth, Transition and Globalization in China, edited by Wu, Y. and Yu, C., Marston Book Limited, Abingdon, UK.



1. Li, J. and Chiaki O. (2020) Hospitality Students’ Group Learning Engagement with Social Media – A Malaysia Case”, International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning,  vol. 10, no. 3, pp 259-265EI Index

2. Li, J. and Zong P. (2020) Review and Prospect of National Image Research The Cuisine Elements for Further Study, Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, vol 427, pp 483-486 CPCI Index

3. 李践尧.中华传统饮食文化对中国旅游目的地形象构建的影响[J].中国市场, 2019年第30

4. 李践尧.中国高等院校酒店管理专业人才培养模式浅析[J].当代旅游, 2019年第3

5. 李践尧, 吕咏诗, 袁新宇. 研究型大学本科生专业选择动机与影响因素研究—以旅游酒店管理专业为例[J]. 教育进展, 2019年第9

6. 李践尧.川酒品牌形象对四川省旅游目的地营销的影响[J].品牌研究, 2018年第8

7. Lee, R.Lee, K.T. and Li, J.* (2017) A Memory Theory Perspective of Consumer Ethnocentrism and AnimosityEuropean Journal of Marketing, vol. 51 issue 7/8, pp 1266-1285 (SSCI)

8. Li, J., Liu, F. and José I. Rojas- Méndez (2013) “How International Students Select Offshore Programs: The Influence of Image, Attitude, Subject Norm, and Perceived Behavioral Control”. Asia Pacific Education Review, vol 14, issue 3, pp 381-390 (SSCI)

9. Li, L., and Li, J.*(2013) Hospitality Education in China – A Student Career-Oriented Prospective”, Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education, vol 12, issue 1, pp 109-117 (SSCI) 

10. Liu, F., Li, J.*, Mizerski, D. and Soh, H. (2012) “Self-congruity, Brand Attitude and Brand Loyalty: A Study on Luxury Brands." European Journal of Marketing, vol 46, issue 7/8, pp. 922-937 (SSCI, 荣获2015年度Emerald 出版公司最佳年度引用论文)



1. Li, J., Pratomo, D. W. (2017) “The relationship between the personal use of Facebook and hospitality students’ group engagement in Malaysia”, 15th APacCHRIE Conference, Bali, Indonesia 


2. Li, J., Haryati Binti (2017) “The Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) towards Millennial Generation Expectations within Hospitality Industry in Malaysia”, 15th APacCHRIE Conference, Bali, Indonesia 

3. Li, J., Alvin Lee and Liu, Jingyan (2011) “Are These Reviews For Real? The Importance of Belief and Trust in Reviews and Word-of-Mouth for Web-Purchases”, 2011 8th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, ICSSSM’11, Tianjin, China  

4. Li, J., and Liu, F. (2010) “Attitude towards Computer Mediated Communication-A Cross-Cultural Study”, 2010 International Conference on Management and Service Science, August 24-26, Wuhan, China  


1. 中山大学管理学院何氏基金会教学奖,2009-2010

2. 第三届“尖峰时刻”酒店管理模拟大赛“优秀指导教师”,2018-2019学年

3. 四川旅游学院校级教学成果二等奖,2020 (新文科建设导向下的应用型本科酒店管理人才培养体系创新与实践)


Ø Industrial Marketing Management (SSCI) 


Ø International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (SSCI)


Ø American Marketing Association Marketing Educator’s Conference 


Ø Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 


Ø Academy of Marketing Conference 


Ø Global Marketing Conference 




1. 受聘为四川省人力资源和社会保障厅组织的四川省专家服务团专家对口服务自贡市,为该市提供旅游接待服务业专业咨询

2. 受聘担任四川省自贡市大安区旅游与文化局顾问,为该区全域旅游规划发展提供咨询与培训

3. 澳大利亚中昆士兰大学博士论文海外评审